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wurzel133 wurzel133 is offline now
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gimli come on give up you are now becoming even more boring please get a life of your own and leave mine alone

are the most stupid people in the world those that waste there lives worrying what other people are doing instead of geting on with there own life
its all very very sad

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30th May 2010 14:57
Message from Gimli
repost proof? to re-do something, you have to have done it in the first place. any idiot would know that. aren't you worried that you are going to look dumber? if you think I delete proof, just add it to your profile. i can't delete that. Now you don't have any excuses. Guess that means you will have to admit defeat. P.S. Apology accepted.
#59 of 99
30th May 2010 13:58
Message from Gimli
You haven't proved anything yet!! you haven't even tried, so what are you talking about? you just say things. you still need to prove the following: - how I was rude first (you can't because it's in the game messages). All you can do is say I was rude, which I have always freely admitted to... but I wasn't rude until you started the name calling. Right? It's right there in the game, as I have explained a few times. Yet you say you have proof somehow! - you falsely accused me of stalling the game. You also never tried to prove this... because you can't. But you keep talking about it. I took my turns normally, so saying I was stalling was just wrong (but I did after the accusations, since you 2 of you liked wasting time... again, I have always admitted that, but we are talking about before you made the accusations). But if you are going to say it, you need something to back it up. You never posted anything about this at all, ever. So how could I delete something about it? - You said I equate education with class. I never did, and you never tried to show how or when I said that. Just because you are stupid and classless does not mean they are related to each other, they are just both related to you. But when you made that stupid accusation, you just pulled it out of your butt... no proof again. You just showed how dumb you are again. - and of course, you accuse me of deleting posts with "proof", or evidence. But they are just ramblings... no reasoned arguments, no citations to anything I have actually said in a post, no mention of anything in from the game. That damns your case right there. You don't need a lawyer to show that you have never had ground to stand on.
#58 of 99
30th May 2010 13:18
Message from Gimli
and i've already explained why I delete your posts... they are hollow. you talk in circles. no proof of any sort. you just say things. things you've already said with no details to back up anything. So how can you say I've deleted "proof" against me... lol
#57 of 99
30th May 2010 12:40
Message from Gimli
Imagine if you were that stupid without physical issues with your brain... that makes you even dumber! I've been challenging you for a long time to make a true point, something with some teeth... show proof! But just like trying to piss me off, you've failed at that! I've been happy to respond because your stupid comments were amusing... are amusing... don't stop now, your latest twist is hilarious! It still makes you look dumb and pathetic... imagine if your IQ was over 115 and you still couldn't find a single shred of rational argument to present... just more vague "you have no proof and you lie". If you were *smart* and that is all you can do just shows how dumb you really are, doesn't it?
#56 of 99
30th May 2010 12:29
Message from Gimli
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Even with your "best" effort, getting your mommy to do it for you, you can't even use a period!! Maybe you learned about the spell checker! LMAO!! Anyhow, all the proof is in the game. It's right there, it can't be BS... you started it all! I even quoted where it started!! Where YOU started it... but you never address that! You must have lied about going back and having read the messages in the game or you would know what was going on! I GAVE YOU THE QUOTE WHERE YOU STARTED IT! You say it's been a game, but go and look at the game history... that doesn't explain your deceits and outright lies (starting the rude game names while saying this was done), accusing me of stalling the game when I wasn't (you would know if you knew how to check game history or were checking in, or didn't have a flee sized brain), saying I started this when you started calling names showing what a gutless pussy you are... if you are gonna throw stones and be a lying jackass, at least man up and admit it instead of trying to pretend it wasn't you starting to act like an ass. The fact that you never present a rational argument, use any sort of logic or proof from the game... if we pretended you weren't borderline retarded, you'd have to admit that means something... you can talk about proof all you want, but YOU HAVE NEVER BACKED IT UP! Show me some logic! Tell me something from the game! I've shown it was you from the start, you are just too stupid, too much garbage for a soul to admit it. It's all there in the game, in my explanations. Deal with it you witless pussy!
#55 of 99
30th May 2010 08:41
Message from Gimli
you wrote "AND IF YOU HAD CHECKED AT THIS POINT YOU WOULD OF SEEN I HAD VOTED TO END BUT WITHDREW AFTER YOU ABUSE SO WHO HAS NO CLASS GIMLI ?" If that were true, why would you start being rude first? why claim to have class, say you voted to end, and then start posting name calling? If you had really voted to end, why wouldn't you have said that you did? why do you not address the facts then? cuz you got caught lying... yet again... you expose yourself because you are in way over your head... you don't explain my issues with your statements cuz you can't... can't talk your way out when the truth is so evident!
#54 of 99
30th May 2010 08:38
Message from Gimli
For the THIRD time, Yes I was rude, I never denied it you stupid little child! ...But ONLY after you were rude first. ONLY!!! Once you are rude to a person first, you tell others that it is ok. I even showed you where you started this all with YOUR FIRST comment... why not respond to that instead of making up crap again? This was already addressed... this is why you are a pathetic little sissy, why your level of mental development and class is questionable! Don't you see yet how wretched your brain is? :)
#53 of 99
30th May 2010 01:19
Message from Gimli
this is where you started it... you can't prove otherwise... "ginli the quicker u take ur goes the quicker it ends stop being a baby " someone who had voted to end would not have said that... you would have said you had voted to end there... and also notice where the rudeness started... so how you say it's been me is scary stupid
#52 of 99
30th May 2010 01:16
Message from Gimli
Wound up? I enjoy this far too much... I already stated long ago how much fun I have... and now you claim you are just doing it to egg me on? but my pathetic and stupid friend, the best you can come up with is to say what I already said many posts ago? really? no brains for creativity at all? just say what I said and pretend it isn't because you are dumb? wow, a new level of patheticness. And now you have this totally new point, that you had voted to end all along? Really?!?!?! And you didn't say this before because...? If that was the truth, then even the first "rude" comments weren't directed at you were they? If you were supposedly classy enough to vote to end, then I wasn't talking about you being not classy was I? How do you not know how an "if... then" clause works? If you did do thing X (ie vote to end), then you did something classy and there was no issue. I said nothing at all rude to you, only those that were unclassy. So now you are saying you started making up lies about delaying my turn (which was more the other idiot) and calling names because you are stupid? Not even because I "insulted" you? So if you did vote to end (which changes nothing, because the comments I made wouldn't have been directed at you), you started calling names because you were so stupid you thought you were insulted? Your reasoning makes zero sense... it doesn't add up if you assume intelligent life on the other side of the computer. You just made yourself look even lamer and stupider with that last claim...
#51 of 99
29th May 2010 16:00
Message from Gimli
You've sure started whining a lot about rudeness... you talk like you are high and mighty. What is this then? "gobby rude little twat " and you better not justify that by saying I deserved it because I've said rude things... because THAT IS MY WHOLE POINT! So you better find a way to justfiy it that does not involve "Gimli did it first", because that would just prove me right (I was polite and respectful to you until you started being rude). Seems your feeble brain has tricked you once again into embarassing yourself with hypocrisy. Nice one Wurzel, you just set yourself up and knock yourself down. My only job is to make sure everyone else learns what a douche you are before they join games you are in.
#50 of 99
29th May 2010 15:38
Message from Gimli
Once YOU started the abuse in the game, and displayed no class, you earn the right to be treated with abuse and as if you have no class. That is pretty normal. You are treated with respect until you do things to lose it. You lost it pretty fast, first by choosing to be a lazy ass, and then by making false accusations and name calling. It's all there in the game . I made a request to not waste people's time in a broken game. That is called consideration. I even offered to join a rematch game for 3 vs 3... that is going the extra mile, so all the players, including you, would still get a 3 vs 3 game on that board... do know one would lose anything. What is disrespectful at that poinit? where is the rudeness? You had a choice to make, and you chose to be selfish, petty and then you started with name calling and false accusations. And that can't be a lie, because it is right there in the game for all to see. How can you call me aliar and that I have no class? I was honest always, and until you acted like a jackass, you had my respect and was trated with class. Until you chose to act without class, my actions showed class to you. It's all there. Hire someone to translate my posts into English for you and maybe you can man up.
#49 of 99
29th May 2010 04:39
Message from Gimli
Better call your daycare, they found your care bears soother... I'm sure you will be happy to be reunited with your only friend.
#48 of 99
29th May 2010 04:35
Message from Gimli
So now you are sadly proving what I said about talking in circles... instead of addressing anything I say, Wurzel the mentally challenged has gone back to imaginary issues. You keep using the word liar, but instead of admitting when you lied, you just accuse me of lying, but don't say when. And again I challenge you to use your small brain to show where I ever said education = classy, or stupidity = no class. Just because Wurzel133 has crap for personal integrity AND is stupid as a doorknob does not mean dumb = no class. You just happen to have two distinct and separate defects. If you were smart, you would know that. If you had class, you would have admitted it the first time I addressed this. You are a dumb and pathetic life form, who doesn't know the meaning of integrity, class or decency. It is the choices you make, the things you "say" when someone makes a polite, reasonable request and offers to help make things right that showed you have no class. You can be an idiot and have class. Your issue is that you have neither, but do have a masochistic urge to keep embarassing yourself by not understanding the simple explanations I give you. And your inability to prove anything you say just turns you into an ugly punching bag. Maybe you aren't educated because they don't make schools for people as dumb as you. Maybe you are just so ugly, people were throwing up all the time looking at you. I don't know how you got so dumb, but the fact that you don't know how to use a period, spell four letter words... that's so funny, I think it borderlines on sad. Sad just like your life, that you will say anything to justify your rudeness, to get a self-esteem boost by beating 2 players with a team of 3. Sad, sad indeed...
#47 of 99
28th May 2010 18:52
Message from Gimli
why does continuing a waste of time equate to classy? you only wanted it to continue so you could win. Only a pathetic loser like you could find winning 2 vs 3 worthwhile. It's not like the game was close to being done. It had just begun... that is why I was classy enough to offer to play again. So we could get what we signed up for, a 3 vs 3 game. With a limit of 10 games, it would not be classy to waste people's time. But you are far too stupid to know that, even when it is nicely and clearly explained to you. Have you ever thought of going to school? Learning some manners, some English and how to write? Ever thought of doing something more with your life than acting like a retarded ass of a donkey and calling that classy?
#46 of 99
28th May 2010 04:41
Message from Gimli
And yeah, i used "pee" and not "pea" on purpose, just so you know
#45 of 99
28th May 2010 04:41
Message from Gimli
So is that simple enough for your pee sized brain to process? Can you actually go back and read my first messages, see how it was well explained, use some brain cells to understand why someone would not want to play with classless people? Can you not read that I offered to play a game with you guys, to give you guys the chance to play it as intended? Of course not, all you can do is ignore anything that is rational or intelligent, so you can spew the same crap, in a never ending (but amusing) circle. All I did was withdraw my offer to play a 3 vs 3 game after you and the other moron at the game declined to end a broken game. People accomodate all the time. Thanfully trashy people like you are the exception on sites like this, because most players would do it with no issue, especially after someone has the class to help make it "right". So yet again I fully answer your question, and once again instead of admitting I was right all along, and you were a jackass you got what you deserved, you are just gonna ignore the facts and start spouting your brainless chatter about some other imagined slight. Don't prove me wrong now Wurzel, you've been as stupid as your are rude since the start. Keep it up for all to read.
#44 of 99
28th May 2010 04:32
Message from Gimli
there was enough class until you started being rude and inconsiderate. I made reasonable request in a polite way to end the game and NOT waste people's time, mine and other people's. Thinking of others is class. I gave reasons for ending the game... class. I offered to join a game with the same players (except the one that got booted) so we could all play what we signed up for... a fun, equal 3 vs 3 game. I offered this out of a sense of class and consideration... just because the game was ruined by some twit who couldnt keep up with the commitment made, didn't mean I didn't want to play . Being a little bitch that gets a sense of victory by winning 3 vs 2 is not classy. Making up accusations that someone is not taking their turn is not classy. I was taking turns normally even though I wasn't impressed by the rude behaviour of two of you (that IS class). Case made. But AS ALWAYS, this was already explained. And AS ALWAYS Wurzel, you show your childish IQ. Learn to read you prissy little sissy.
#43 of 99
27th May 2010 09:47
Message from Gimli
"gimpi the sex pistols did a song about you " excellent example of something a stupid person would write when they want to avoid looking at evidence or posting something rational, you know, when someone wants to avoid topics during a disagreement that could lead to TRUTH! Thanks again Wurzel, you showing everyone what an idiot you are. Truly, you make pointing out your pathetic attempts too easy! Just keep proving me right since you won't examine things for yourself. Making yourself look dumb and proving my points is pretty much the same as admitting you are wrong... the difference is one is what Wurzel would do, the other is what an intelligent and classy person could do...
#42 of 99
26th May 2010 03:16
Message from Gimli
it's all explained in my posts and on the game history and game logs. deal with it. get someone who can understand English to help you, anyone older than 11 years old should do.
#41 of 99
25th May 2010 20:06
Message from Gimli
I ALREADY EXPLAINED that I will delete all your lying posts... if you could prove anything, sure can. I leave just enough up that you can further embarass yourself. You still haven't PROVEN anything... everytime I explain the truth to you, you just change topics and try something else. Everytime you say something and I ask you to prove it, you can't explain yourself. Why do you think that is? When I admit I am rude, but only because you started something, you won't admit it. You just ignore it. When I explain what an "If...then" statement is, you can't comprehend it. When I talk you through it all, step by step, all you can do is whine. Maybe you sniff glue every day. Maybe your dad dropped you down the stairs because he thought it would improve your looks. I don't know what your problem is, but I hope you keep trying, because it is truly pathetic, and your stupidity in EVERY post you have made makes me smile and laugh at you. But lately you just keep saying the same things. You already asked why I delete your pointless posts. And then you asked again... so stupid, you can't even remember something written a few weeks ago... have you no pride at all? No signs of intelligence?
#40 of 99
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